Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Epochs of Exploration

The following table summarizes the epochs of galactic exploration in the human era. "Culture" is the culture name. Star is the point of origin of the culture that spawned the epoch. Start and End describe the period when the culture undertook its exploratory period. MaxRadius indicates the maximum radius of the exploration. Some cultures have sent exploratory groups out of the galaxy, but the status of these voyages is not known.

Culture Star Start End MaxRadius(LY)
The Accelerando Sol 2100 3100 50
Ugric Panspermia Beta Canum Venaticorum 10000 17000 5000
Han Colonists VY Canis Majoris 16000 60000 45000
Neomalay Navigators LBV 1806-20 (Hina) 56000 ????? Extragalactic
Hajj Band Patrol S0—2 (Kaaba) 30000 60000 Galactic
Mexicali Shiners Pistol 60000 79000 Galactic
Core Band Patrol Sagittarius A (Core Prime) 60000 98008 Galactic
Ruu Surveys Sol Unknwon Unknown Unknown

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